Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Brahmins always criticize, condemn and mock at other religions Their criticism and mocking is unreasonable and unacceptable.

In his autobiography, Dr Charles , an American scholar says that it is very simple to define a Hindu. He says a Hindu means "one who believes in anything and everything if said in the name of god and shall never question its authenticity".

The Brahmins claim that Lord Rama is incarnated (came in human form) to study and understand the difficulties of mankind. Is it really necessary for a god to incarnate Himself?? Can he not understand the creation? Why should God become a donkey or a cockroach in order to understand the sufferings of these creatures?

Lord Rama

Lord Rama is the central character to the Epic RAMAYAN (whose author was Valmiki) Rama is the son of Dasharath, the king of Banaras. Dasharath had three wives, kaushalya, kaikeyi and Smitra besides several hundreds concubines.

According to the Ramayana, Rama spent most of his life trying to save his wife, Sita from the clutches of Ravan At the same time Rama was enjoying life to the full at every opportunity.

How Rama was Fooled by Sukrievan

When god Rama was exiled to the forest together with his wife, sukrievan appeared as deer and fooled god Rama. Although Rama was a "god", he was not able to see through Sukreivan's disguise!

12 Years for Rama, but One day to Ravan

To retrieve his wife from Devil Ravan, god Rama sought the help of Hanuman, a monkey god. Hanuman agreed to help Rama bring his wife back on condition that god Rama in turn help him (Hanuman) to kill his twin brother prior to undertaking the mission.

I took more than twelve years for Hanuman to build a bridge and accomplish the task while Ravan just took Sita and flew to Sri lanka in just one day's time Where is the bridge that Rama built?? Who is more powerful - God Rama or Devil Ravan ? Would a god seek the help of another god to murder a third god?

  1. If Hanuman could fly carrying big mountains, he should have in the first instance carried and flown god Rama to Sri Lanka, which would have resulted in early rescue of Sita.

  2. Who knows what Ravan might have done to Sita during this period of twelve years? Definitely a devil would have done only "devilish" things!

  3. Before helping god Rama, Hanuman made Rama shoot his own twin brother in the back and only then did Hanuman help god Rama How can a "god" indulge in such a criminal act for personal gain?

Beef Eating Rama

When God Rama was told to go to forest, he mournfully revealed to is mother: "if has been ordained that I have to lose the kingdom, forego the princely comforts and the tasty, MEAT DISHES. (Ayodha Kandam, 20, 26, 94th Chapters).

Rama's Many Wives

Mr. C.R. Sreenivasa lyengar's translation of Valmiki Ramayana says: " Though Rama had married Sita to be the queen, he married many other wives for sexual pleasure in accordance with the royal customs. (Ayodha Kandam 8th Chapter, page 28). (The term "Rama's wives" as been used in many places in Ramayan).

Rama’s Disrespect for his Father

Rama called his father " A FOOL, AN IDIOT" (Ayodhya Kandam, 53rd Chapter).

Rama's Contempt for Women and Low Castes

Rama disfigured and mutilated many women by cutting off her noses, breasts, ears etc., and tortured them (Soorpanaki, Ayomuki).

Rama said, "Women should not be trusted" and that "Secrets should not be confided to the wife" (Ayodhya kandam, Chapter 100).

Sambuka was slain (by Rama) because he was making penance which was forbidden to him by Vedas as he was a "Shudra" (Uttara kanadam, Chapter 76).

Looking at is hand Rama said the Sanskirt slogan "O right hand, you kill this Asche Shudra unhesitatingly as killing this Shudra is the only way to get back the life of the deceased Brahmin boy."

Rama’s Death

Rama , like an ordinary man, fell down into the river and was DROWNED. (Uttara Kandam, Chapter 106). How can a "god die? Who will then look after the affairs of the world?

What Leaders say about Lord Rama

  • "My Rama (god Rama) is not the Rama of Ramayana". Mahatma Gandhi

  • "The Ramayana and Mahabaratha are nothing but another Arabian Nights Story" Jawaharlal Nehru

  • "Rama is not a god; but he is a hero" Rajagopalachari, First Governor-General of India and a great Brahmin leader.

  • "Ramayan is not a divine story; it is only a literature" (Kaliyuga Kamban, T.K. Chidambaranatha Mudaliar). Babri Masjid was demolished by Rama Bhatkas claiming that it was his birth place.

Lord Krishna/Krsna

Lord Krishna was very fond of looking at naked young girls. Once upon a time Krishna, in order to get a full view of some bathing virgin girls, went to the extent of hiding their clothes on the tree top just to get a panoramic view. Does he have divine immunity from looking at naked women?

The Gita, a Holy book of the Hindus, quotes that when these bathing low caste girls begged for the return of their clothes, Lord Krishna demanded that they come out of the water with their hands raised instead of covering their bodies.

Oh my innocent Hindu brethren! Can this action be attributed to god? Is this God capable of indulging in such ungodly acts? Will Hindu mothers tolerate their son imitating god Krishna??

The Riddle of Krishna and Rama

The "Times of India" reported on 12-11-87 that the Education Department, Government of Maharashtra, had published a book called "The Riddles of Hinduism" by Dr. Ambedkar.

The report said that various statements contained in the book aroused the ire of some Brahmins, particularly the author's observation on Rama & Dasharth's many wives and also Krishna's moral character. (The Riddles of Rama and Krishna is available from Dalit Saithya Academy, Bangalore-3).

God Shiva, Lord Ganesh & Goddess Parvathi

According to Hinduism, god Shiva's head is the source of the river Ganges and his head is also the place where the moon is located (if this was really a fact then why should America send astronaut Neil Armstrong 240,000 miles away to the moon)

According to Puranas, goddess Parvathi, wife of God Shiva, sought Shivas's permission to have a baby When Shiva refused, Paravathi took dirt from her body and created Lord Ganesh. (The late E.V.R. Preiyar used to call this god a "bundle fo dirt").

Later God Shiva mistakenly chopped off his own son's head. How could a god make such a foolish mistake? Would such a god solve your problems or make them more complicated?

To rectify his error God Shiva severed the head of baby elephant and transplanted in onto his son who then become known as the Elephant headed god. His statues are usually found near river-sides where he is said to be looking for a bride resembling his mother! (There is a different version to this story which, for decency's sake, cannot be printed here).

Kali Goddess of Violence

A recent report by the press trust of India stated that during the past three years more than 2,500 young boys and girls were sacrificed to goddess kali in India An AFP's recent reports say: Hundreds of young boys and virgin girls are sacrificed every month for the deity Kali. In one case Rama Sewak hacked his eight year old son to death in broad daylight in Delhi becuase Godess Kali had told him he woudl come back to life and bring him good fortune. Bloot-thirsy kali is worshipped opnely in te length and breadth of India.

Kali's statue stands naked aside the inanimate body of the Hindu deity Siva, tongue stuck out with blood dripping from fang-like teeth. She holds a noose, a skull-topped staff, a blood-encrusted sword and a severed head. She is also known as Durga, Devi, Shaktima, Uma and Parvathi in manifestations.

Pornography in Ramayana

Ramanaya also recounts the story of king Dasaratha who, in order to have a baby son, made a big sacrifice (yagam) of sheep, cattle, horses, birds and snakes. He then delivered his three wives Kaushaliya, Sumatirai and Kaikeyi to three priests. These holy men, having fully satisfied their carnal desire, returned the ladies to the king. By this means, the king was able to have three sons-Ram, Lakshman and Bharat (Bala Kandam, Chapter 14. For more details on yagam, refer to the book "Gnana Surian", published by the kudi Arasu Press.)

Does it mean Rama was born to a Brahmin?

The Ramayana tells us much about the unlawful relationship of incest but we do not feel it appropriate or decent for ut to go in details (Please refer to Aranya Kandam, chapter 45 verses 122, 123, 124, & 125).

The following Aryan practices will reveal how immorality and indecency are sanctified in the name of Hinduism.

Lingam and Youni

Lingam and Yoni in Sanskrit means the male and female sexual organs respectively. Hindus are allowed to worship anything - including sexual organs. It is not unknown for them to name their children as Shiva Lingam (God Shiva's sexual organ) or Rama Lingam (God Rama's sexual organ), (in some places in Karnataka, the gods demand both male and females to pray naked together).

Devadasi (Religious Prostistution)

The Devadasi system was set up, according to a Times of India report (10-11-87), as a result of conspiracy between the feudal class and the priests (Brahmins). The latter, with their ideological and religious hold over the peasants and craftsmen, devised a means that gave prostitution their religious sanction. Poor low-caste Hindu girls, initially sold at private auctions, were later "dedicated" to the temples. They were then initiated in to prostitution Even to this day this religious prostitution blessed by Hindu religion is still alive in Karnataka and Maharashtra.

The Kamasutra

Brahmins has also created Kamasutra - a set of instructions on how to have sexual intercourse. Some of the postures detailed in Kamasutra are so complex that they can only be performed with the help of one or more ASSISTANTS!
Some Hindu temples have stone carvings of Kamasutra sexual poses and Hindus worship them.

The Devadasi System Thrives

UNI. - TIMES OF INDIA - 10th Nov 1987: confirms that the practice of dedication young Harijan (Hindu) girls (Mahars, Mangs, Dowris and Chambhar) at childhood to a goddess, and their initiation into prostitution when they attain puberty continues to thrive in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and other parts of South India. This is largely due to social backwardness, poverty and illiteracy, according to a study by two doctors of the India Health Organization.

The report clearly indicates that the Devadasi system was the result of a conspiracy between the feudal class and the priests (Brahmins) who with their ideological and religious hold over the peasants and craftsmen, devised a practice which acquired religious sanctions. They noted in their study on - "Devadasis" - "the link between religious culture and child prostitution".

The study revealed that girls from poor Hindu families were sold after puberty at private auctions to a master who initially paid a sum of money to the families ranging from 500 to Rs. 5,000.

The study, made during health camps organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the Devadasi populated areas, revealed that the dedicated girls formed 15 percent of the total women involved in prostitution in the country, and as much as 70 percent of the prostitutes in the border districts of Karnataka and Maharashtra.

Lord Rama says do not trust Women

Lord Rama is in harmonious agreement with Manusmrti 7:145-153. While lecturing his brother Bharata on how to govern the kingdom, Lord Rama says women are not trustworthy creatures:

"[Rama:] 'Do you keep your womenfolk pacified? Are they duly protected by you? I hope you do not repose excessive faith in them and do not confide your secrets to them.' " -- Ramayana 2:100.

Hinduism and Caste

Caste (varna):

Brahmin = Priest Caste;

Ksatriya = Rajanya/Ruler/Warrior Caste;

Vaisya = Commoner Caste;

Sudra = Servant/Slave Caste; and

Avarna = Outcaste/Untouchable/Dalit/Candala/Dog-eater.

There are also many subsets in each caste. Dvija = twice-born (twice-born = upper 3 castes or sometimes just Brahmin caste particularly). Some Hindus have a delusion that caste is not promoted by any of their holy books. Is that really so? Let's find out:

"By his very birth a Brahmin is a deity even for the gods and the only authority for people in this world, for the Veda is the foundation in this matter." -- Manusmrti 11:85.

"People here whose behaviour is pleasant can expect to enter a pleasant womb, like that of a woman of the Brahmin, the Ksatriya, or the Vaisya caste. But people of foul behaviour can expect to enter the foul womb, like that of a dog, a pig, or an outcaste woman." -- Chandogya Upanisad 5:10:7.

"If a man of one birth (Sudra) hurls cruel words at one of the twice-born, his tongue should be cut out, for he was born from the rear-end. If he mentions their name or caste maliciously, a red-hot iron nail ten-fingerslong should be thrust into his mouth. If he is so proud as to instruct priests about their duty, the king should have hot oil poured into his mouth and ears." -- Manusmrti 8:270-272.

"If a man of inferior caste tries to sit down on the same seat as a man of superior caste, he should be branded on the hip and banished, or have his buttocks cut off." -- Manusmrti 8:281.

"If in the process of negotiating betrothal there are first ten suitors of the non-Brahmana varna for a woman (the marriageable girl), all of them lose their claims of marriage and, only the Brahmin, the learned one, if he grasps her hand would be her husband and only he. Not even the man of Ksatriya varna and not even the man of Vaisya varna but only the Brahmin is the husband of the bride in such cases of claimants of betrothal, and the sun, as it appears, revealing this fact to the people of five classes (4 varnas and the fifth avarna) rises up." -- Atharva Veda 5:17:8-9.

"If someone born in a Ksatriya, Vaisya, or Sudra womb should be unable to pay his fine, he may absolve himself of the debt by labour; a Brahmin should pay little by little. The king should have women, children, madmen, and the old, the poor, and the ill chastised with a whip, a bamboo cane, a rope, and so forth." -- Manusmrti 9:229-230.

"The Sudra's duty and supreme good is nothing but obedience to famous Brahmin householders who know the Veda. If he is unpolluted, obedient to his superiors, gentle in his speech, without a sense of 'I', and always dependent on the Brahmins and the other (twice-born castes), he attains a superior birth (in the next life)." -- Manusmrti 9:334-335.

"A Brahmin is a great deity whether or not he is learned, just as fire is a great deity whether or not it is brought to the altar. The purifying fire with its brilliant energy is not defiled even in cremation grounds, and when oblations of butter are placed in it at sacrifices it grows even greater. Thus Brahmins should be revered in every way, even if they engage in all kinds of undesirable actions, for this is the supreme deity. If the Ksatriyas become overbearing towards the Brahmins in any way, the Brahmins themselves should subdue them, for the Ksatriyas were born from the Brahmins." -- Manusmrti 9:317-320.

"His (Purusa's) mouth became the Brahmin; his arms were made into the Ksatriya, his thighs the Vaisya, and from his feet the Sudra was born." -- Rig Veda 10:90:12.

In comparison, Sudras are as low as feet & Outcastes (avarna) are even below that status of course.

Women in Hinduism

"Men must make their women dependent day and night, and keep under their own control those who are attached to sensory objects. Her father guards her in childhood, her husband guards her in youth, and her sons guard her in old age. A woman is not fit for independence." -- Manusmrti 9:2-4.

"Women are powerless, have no inheritance, and speak more humbly than even a bad man." -- Krsna Yajur Veda Taittiriya Samhita 6:5:8:2.

"Lord Indra himself has said, 'The mind of woman cannot be disciplined; she has very little intelligence.' " -- Rig Veda 8:33:17.

"A thirty-year-old man should marry a twelve-year-old girl who charms his heart, and a man of twenty-four an eight-year-old girl; and if duty is threatened, (he should marry) in haste." -- Manusmrti 9:94.

"A discarded wife is one who has no son. … For a wife that is without a son, is possessed with Nirriti (destruction, calamity)." -- Satapatha Brahmana 5:3:1:13.

"A damsel whose menses begin to appear (while she is living) at her father's house, before she has been betrothed to a man, has to be considered as a degraded woman: by taking her (without the consent of her kinsmen) a man commits no wrong." -- Visnusmrti 24:41.

Hinduism & Polygamy/Polygyny

Although there is nothing explicitly wrong with polygyny, some Hindus have a delusion that Hinduism exclusively teaches monogamy. Let's find out in the following scriptural quotes:

Hinduism knows the duties of a maharaja. However, some Hindus would say that the harem-concubines are not necessarily the king's wives so this is not really polygyny & it is only allowed for the raja (king). To further clarify this issue:

"Now a Brahmin may take four wives in the direct order of the (four) castes." -- Visnusmrti 24:1. "One thing mixed with another should not be sold, nor anything that is spoiled, deficient, far away, or concealed. If one girl is shown but another is given to the bridegroom, he may marry both of them for the single bride-price; that is what Manu says." -- Manusmrti 8:203-4. Manu's decrees are regarded as inspired by God.

Also, Lord Krsna had 16,000 wives, Lord Visnu & Brahma also had multiple consorts and Ksatriyas are recorded in the itihasas (Mahabharata/Ramayana/etc.) as having as many as thousands of wives & thousands of progeny. However, the immoral news is that Hinduism also sanctions polyandry, not only conventional polygamy. In the epic, the Mahabharata (of which one book is the Bhagavad-Gita), which is a true istory of Hindustan (Bharat/India) according to traditional Hindus, the five renowned Pandava brothers were told by their mom Kunti to divide the prize they won equally among all brothers. Good advice.....but the prize they won turned out to be their wife, Draupadi -- five brothers sharing one wife. Pathetic.

Hinduism vs Idolatry

Which religion states that idolators will "fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time" ? Islam? Sikhism? Judaism? Christianity? GUESS AGAIN....... Yeah, Hinduism - once again the holy Vedas speak:

"They are enveloped in darkness, in other words, are steeped in ignorance and sunk in the greatest depths of misery who worship the uncreated, eternal prakrti -- the material cause of the world -- in place of the All-pervading God, BUT THOSE WHO WORSHIP VISIBLE THINGS BORN OF THE PRAKRTI, such as the earth, trees, bodies (human and the like) in place of God are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time." -- Yajur Veda 40:9.

This is merely further confirmed in yet another verse:

"The Formless Supreme Spirit that pervades the universe can have NO MATERIAL REPRESENTATION, LIKENESS OR IMAGE." -- Yajur Veda 32:3.

According to Hinduism's sacred & eternal Vedas, idolators (i.e. "but those who worship visible things born of the prakrti") are condemned as perhaps the most wicked entities in Hinduism. "No material representation", i.e. no idols for Hindus lest they rot in "hell"!!

Yet approximately 90% of practicing Hindus commit idolatry & defend it as an authorized & integral practice for Hinduism. In fact, Hindu priests world-wide provide prayers, offerings & even bathe miniature idols in milk regularly; pious Hindus across the globe pray to & bow-down before such
idols of Krsna, Ram/Sita, Linga (Phallus), Siva, Elephants (Ganesa), Monkeys (Hanuman), Cows (Nandi/etc.), Brahma, Yoni (Vagina), Nude Kali (Naked Dravidian-looking Goddess with a protruding blood-thirsty tongue), Snakes(Nag), Hogs (Varaha - Boar Avatar), Turtles (Kurma - Turtle Avatar), Fish (Matsya - Fish Avatar), Goats (Agni - Sacrificial Goat w/Flames -- the Fire-God), Fire-God (Agni), Sun-God (Surya/etc.), Moon-God (Candresvara), etc. Some remote sects & tribes of Hinduism even worship crocodiles, camels, donkeys, dogs, rats, toys, frogs, insects and other absurdities.

Hinduism says bestiality is not that bad a crime

Hinduism states that sex with animals is not nearly as bad as sex with a (human) outcaste; for sex with a cow or some other animal, it's pardonable, but for sex with a (human) outcaste, a twice-born Hindu should be executed:

"An adulterer shall be made to pay the highest amercement if he has had connection with a woman of his own caste; for adultery with women of a lower caste, the second amercement; the same (fine is ordained) for a bestial crime committed with a cow. He who has had connection with a woman of one of the lowest castes, shall be put to death. For a bestial crime committed withcattle (other than cows) he shall be fined a hundred Karshapanas." -- Visnusmrti 5:40-44.

Just as incest is not an infrequent theme in Hindu scripture, sex withanimals is also not an uncommon motif in Hinduism. Indeed, great rishis (sages) have been born through bestiality (ref. Manusmrti 10:69-72.). The rishi Rsyasrnga had a deer for a mom. Furthermore, Pandu (the dad of the five famous Pandava princes) had accidentally killed a rishi who was in animal form having sex with a deer (ref. Mahabharata Adiparvan 95.). Hindu queens and other Aryan women of diverse provinces in ancient Hindustan used to have sex with dead horses during the Asvamedha sacrifice, and Lord Rama's mom Kausalya spent an entire night having sex with a carcass of a sacrificial horse in Valmiki Ramayana (ref. Ramayana 1:13:24-33.). Bestiality depictions have also been found at the Khajuraho temple-complex in Hindustan.

Lord Siva & Lord Visnu

Mohini ['The Enchantress'] is a famous apsaras (celestial nymph) of Lord Indra's harem. Although usually the apsarases are real and usually created by the gods for the purpose of distracting enemies or ascetics, Lord Visnu himself sometimes takes a form to look like the nymph Mohini to delude the demons during battle:

"Visnu took the form of the apsaras Mohini in order to beguile the demons and to steal the Soma back from them. Having accomplished this, Visnu was approached by Siva and Parvati, and Siva asked him to display the seductive form which he had assumed for the demons. Visnu became Mohini, and Siva immediately ran after her, abandoning Parvati who stood with her head lowered in shame. Siva embraced Mohini by force, and his seed fell upon the ground. Mohini disappeared and Siva returned to Parvati." -- Brahmanda Purana 4:10:41-77.

How Lord Hanuman (the Monkey - God) was Born

"One day Siva saw the Mohini form of Visnu. He was struck by Kama's arrows and let fall his seed. The Seven Sages put the seed in a pot and they infused it into the daughter of Gautama through her ear. In time, Hanuman, the monkey-god, was born from it." -- Siva Purana 3:20:3-7.

How Lord Ganesa was Born

"When Siva and Parvati were making love together, Visnu took the form of a Brahmin with matted locks, oppressed by thirst, and he went to the bedroom door and said, 'What are you doing, Siva? Arise and give me food and water, for I am an old man oppressed by thirst.' Siva arose, and his seed fell on the bed instead of in the womb of his wife. Then Siva and Parvati offered the Brahmin food and water, and he vanished and took the form of a child and went to Parvati's bed. There he became mixed with the seed of Siva that was on the bed, and he was born like an engendered child. Parvati found the child and nursed him, naming him Ganesa." -- Brahmavaivarta Purana 3:8:19-33, 83-8, 3:9:1-26.

Lord Ganesa lost his head one day, so Lord Siva chopped-off an elephant's head and attached it to Ganesa's body. This is how Lord Ganesa became an Elephant-headed God.

Origin of Holy Shiv Linga

Lord Siva seduces the Pine Forest sages' wives and is cursed for this immoral behavior. Origin of the holy Linga which is commonly worshipped in Hindu temples:

"When the sages saw Siva naked and excited they beat him and they said, 'Tear out your linga.' The great yogi said to them, 'I will do it, if you hate my linga', and he tore it out and vanished." -- Kurma Purana 2:38:39-41; cf. Haracaritacintamani 10:74; Yagisvaramahatmya 26a. 14. In another version, the sages in the forest quote the legal texts regarding the penalty for seducing a guru's wife when they punish Siva:"You false ascetic, let your (Siva's) linga fall to earth here. A shameless and evil man who has seduced another man's wife should be castrated; there is no other punishment ever. A man who has seduced his guru's wife should cut off the linga and testicles himself and hold them in his hands and walk until he dies." -- Siva Purana, Dharmasamhita 10:187-90; cf. B. K. Sarkar, pp.234-5.

More on Origin of Holy Shiv Linga

Here is another origin of the holy Linga: "... He (Siva) agreed to this and laughed, for he was secretly amused, and he said to Brahma, 'There is no good use for this linga except for the creation of progeny.' And as he said this he broke it off and threw it upon the surface of the earth. The linga broke through the earth down to the subterranean hell and went to the very sky. Visnu sought the end of it below, and Brahma flew upwards, but they did not find the end of it, for all their vital effort. Then a voice arose out of the sky as the two of them sat there, and it said, 'If the linga of the god with braided hair is worshipped, it will certainly grant all desires that are longed for in the heart.' When Brahma and Visnu heard this, they and all the divinities worshipped the linga with devotion, with their hearts set upon Rudra (Siva)." -- Siva Purana, Dharmasamhita 49:23b-46, 74-86.

Lord Brahma Lust Siva’s Wife & Thousands of Yogis are Born

Brahma instantly becomes the dad of thousands of ascetics; the following takes place at Lord Siva's wedding: "Brahma saw the beautiful face (or feet) of Parvati at the wedding, and he became excited and shed his seed upon the ground. In fear of Siva, he began to make the seed barren, but Siva said, 'Brahma, you should not kill Brahmins, and these are great sages.' Then 88,000 tapasvins were born from the seed, and they ran around Brahma calling him 'Daddy, daddy!' " -- Brahma Purana 72:18; Vamana Purana 27:56-9; cf. Siva Purana, Jnanasamhita 18:62-8; Siva Purana 2:3:49:3-10; Skanda Purana 1:1:26:15-22.

Lord Brahma’s Incest

"Brahma desired Sarasvati and went to her, asking her to stay with him. She, being his daughter, was furious at this and said, 'Your mouth speaks inauspiciously and so you will always speak in a contrary way.' From that day, Brahma's fifth head always spoke evilly and coarsely. Therefore one day when Siva was wandering about with Parvati and came to see Brahma, Brahma's four heads praised Siva but the fifth made an evil sound. Siva, displeased with the fifth head, cut it off. The skull remained stuck fast to Siva's hand, and though he was capable of burning it up, Siva wandered the earth with it for the sake of all people, until he came to Benares." -- Siva Purana, Jnanasamhita 49:65-80.

Another version:

"Brahma desired his daughter and took the form of a stag to pursue her as a doe. The Brahmins called him to shame, and Rudra shot him with an arrow. The deer's head came away from Brahma's body and became a constellation in the sky. But then Gayatri and Sarasvati [the wives of Brahma] had no husband. They performed tapas for Siva, and he agreed to revive their husband, giving Brahma the four heads of Nandin and others of his hosts. Brahma arose and praised Siva." -- Skanda Purana 3:40:1-59.

More of Lord Brahma's (Prajapati's) incest:

"Prajapati desired his daughter and made love to her. This was a sin in the eyes of the gods, who said to the god who rules over beasts [Pasupati, Rudra], 'He commits a sin, acting in this way towards his own daughter, our sister. Pierce him.' Rudra took aim and pierced him. Half his seed fell to the ground. The gods cured Prajapati and cut out Rudra's dart, for Prajapati is the sacrifice. To utilize [the seed], the gods said, 'Take care that this may not be lost, but that it may be less than the oblation.' They gave it to Bhaga to eat, but it burnt his eyes and he became blind. Then they gave it to Pusan to eat, but it knocked out his teeth. At last they gave it to Savitr [the sun] and it did not injure him, for he appeased it." -- Satapatha Brahmana 1:7:4:1-7.

There are many instances of incest in sacred Hindu scriptures; these are not the only ones.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Bahan disediakan oleh: Shah Kirit bin Kakulal Govindji
Hand phone: 019-555 7770

Bismillahir Rohmaanir Rohiim. Alhamdulillahi Robbil ‘Alamin. Assolatu wassalam ‘ala Rasulillah wa ‘ala alihi wa ashabihi ajmain. Ammabad. A’uzubillahi minash syaitoonir Rojim. Robbish rohli sadri, wa yassirli amri, wahlul ‘udatamillisani, yafqauhuqawli. Bismillahir rohmaanir rohim. Qul huwallahu ahad. Allahus somad. Lam yalid wa lam yulad. Wa lam yakul lahu kufuwan ahad.

Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan yang di rahmati Allah, Assalamu’alaikum warohmatulahi wabarokatuh.

Topik kita pada malam ini adalah “ Kewajipan Berda’wah”, InsyaAllah. Terlebih dahulu izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri secara ringkas. Nama saya ialah Shah Kirit bin Kakulal Govindji. Pelik bukan? Kebiasaan di Malaysia, apabila seseorang itu masuk Islam, dia dikehendaki menukar nama bapa dia kepada Abdullah. Sebenarnya tidak ada satu pun nas dari Al-Qur’an mahupun Hadith Shahih yang mewajibkan seseorang yang masuk Islam mesti tukar nama bapa dia kepada Abdullah!

Saya telah dilahirkan sebagai seorang Islam tetapi ibubapa saya telah membesarkan saya sebagai seorang Hindu. Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan mesti hairankan. Ini adalah kerana didalam Islam kita percaya bahawa setiap kanak-kanak di dunia ini dilahirkan dalam fitrah Islam tetapi ibubapalah yang mencorakkan mereka menjadi Nasrani, Yahudi, Majusi, Hindu, Buddha mahupun sebagai seorang ‘Free Thinker’. Justeru itu saya lebih suka menggunakan perkataan ‘Revert’ daripada ‘Convert’ apabila seseorang itu menganuti agama Islam kerana mereka kembali kepada fitrah kejadian mereka.

Punca awal saya masuk Islam adalah atas dasar perkahwinan. Ya, kerana saya mahu berkahwin dengan perempuan Islam. Saya cakap ‘direct’ kerana di kalangan masyarakat kita ada sejenis ‘penyakit’, termasuklah dikalangan kakitangan Jabatan Agama Islam. Apabila sesorang itu menyampaikan hasrat untuk memeluk agama Islam, dia akan diperli atau disindir seperti “kenapa mau masuk Islam? Kalau tak ada perempuan Melayu memang tak sah!” Salah kah kami masuk Islam kerana mahu berkahwin? Sebenarnya masuk Islam kerana mahu berkahwin tidak salah. Mungkin itu Qada’ dan Qadar, bersabit dengan perkahwinan seseorang itu mendapat hidayah dari Allah. Yang salah ialah sudah masuk Islam tidak mahu belajar dan tidak mahu beramal dengan Islam. Yang turut salah ialah masyarakat Islam setempat yang tidak mahu membimbing atau membantu orang yang baru masuk Islam.

Kalau kita perhati keadaan sekeliling, kita akan dapati ramai yang masuk Islam adalah kerana perkahwinan. Ini adalah kerana orang-orang Islam di Malaysia hampir-hampir tidak ada melakukan da’wah kepada orang-orang bukan Islam sekeliling mereka. Dahlah tak buat kerja, nak sindir orang pula!

Alhamdulillah, hari ini kita sebagai orang-orang Islam sedar bahawa Islam bukanlah milik orang-orang Arab atau Melayu sahaja tetapi adalah untuk seluruh umat manusia. Malangnya kita umat Islam hari ini telah lalai dari tanggung-jawab yang diamanahkan Allah kepada kita untuk menyampai da’wah Islam kepada mereka yang belum terima Hidayah lagi. Allah swt mencela golongan seperti ini dalam Surah Al-Baqarah 2:140 “Dan siapakah yang lebih zalim daripada orang yang menyembunyikan keterangan (saksi dan bukti) yang telah diberikan Allah kepadanya? Dan (ingatlah), Allah tidak sekali-kali lalai akan apa yang telah kamu lakukan”. Na’uzubillah, janganlah kita termasuk dalam golongan ini.

Allah swt memberikan penghormatan kepada kita orang-orang Islam didalam surah Ali Imran 3:110 “Kamu (wahai umat Muhammad) adalah sebaik-baik umat yang dilahirkan bagi(faedah) umat manusia”. Kita pun rasa sangat seronok mendengarkan ayat ini. Namun begitu kita lupa bahawa setiap penghormatan itu datang bersama tanggung-jawab. Lagi besar suatu penghormatan maka lagi beratlah tanggung-jawab yang harus dipikul. Tanggung-jawab yang diamanahkan oleh Allah kepada kita orang-orang Islam yang melayakkan kita di gelar ‘sebaik-baik umat’ juga disebut dalam ayat yang sama; “(Kerana) kamu menyuruh membuat segala perkara yang baik dan melarang daripada segala perkara yang salah (buruk dan keji), serta kamu pula beriman kepada Allah”. Ini bermakna kita harus menjadi masyarakat ‘amar maaruf nahi munkar’ iaitu melakukan da’wah kepada orang-orang bukan Islam sambil melakukan Islah sesama orang-orang Islam secara serentak.

Allah swt mengatakan didalam surah Al-Ikhlas 103:1-3 “Demi masa. Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian. Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal salih, dan mereka pula berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran dan berpesan-pesan dengan sabar”. ‘Berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran’ bermakna melakukan ‘amal maaruf nahi munkar’ yakni melakukan da’wah kepada orang-orang bukan Islam sambil melakukan Islah sesama orang-orang Islam. Ayat ini jelas menunjukkan tanggung-jawab melakukan da’wah bukan tugas ustaz, imam atau Jabatan Agama sahaja tetapi adalah tanggung-jawab setiap orang Islam.

Didalam Khutbah terakhir, Rasulullah saw telah bertanya kepada para sahabah yang tidak kurang dari 110,000 orang “Adakah aku telah sampaikan pesanan Islam” dan para sahabah pun secara serentak menjawab “Ya Rasulullah! Kau telah sampaikan”. Maka Rasulullah saw seterusnya memerintahkan mereka “Siapa-siapa yang hadir disini, sampaikanlah kepada mereka yang tidak hadir”. Para sahabat pun faham akan perintah Rasulullah saw lalu keluar dari negeri Arab menyampaikan da’wah Islamiah. Maka Islam telah pun sampai ke Negeri Cina, India, Sepanyol dan seterusnya ke Malaysia. Alhamdulillah, sahabat-sahabat dulu tidak ada sikap macam kita iaitu hanya mahu bercerita tentang Islam sekiranya ada yang bertanya tetapi sebaliknya telah bertebaran kepelbagai pelusuk dunia dalam menyampaikan syiar Islam.

Didalam Shahih Bukhari jilid 4 hadith 667 diriwayatkan dari Abdullah Ibn Amr bahawa Rasulullah saw telah bersabda “sampaikanlah walau satu ayat”. Kita tidak perlu dapatkan Phd atau ijazah atau menjadi ustaz / ustazah dalam menyampaikan da’wah Islam. Walaupun kita tahu satu ayat dalam Qur’an, kita boleh menyampaikannya. Sebagai orang Islam, kita tahu lebih dari satu ayat. Sekurang-kurangnya kita tahu ‘La ilaha ilallah’, maka sampaikanlah ia.

Dewasa ini dunia kita sudah berubah menjadi materialistic. Setiap perkara yang dilakukan mesti ada ganjaran atau keuntungan. Allah swt mengajak kita berniaga denganNya dalam Surah As-Saff 61:10-11 “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Mahukah Aku tunjukkan sesuatu perniagaan yang boleh menyelamatkan kamu dari azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya? Iaitu kamu beriman kepada Allah dan RasulNya, serta kamu berjuang membela dan menegakkan agama Allah dengan hartabenda dan diri kamu”.

Kini bila berniaga kita hendak tahu peratusan keuntungannya. Keuntungan yang dijanjikan oleh Allah swt dalam Surah Al-Baqarah 2:261 adalah “Bandingan (derma) orang-orang yang belanjakan hartanya pada jalan Allah, ialah sama seperti sebiji benih yang tumbuh menerbitkan tujuh tangkai; tiap-tiap tangkai pula mengandungi seratus biji. Dan (ingatlah), Allah akan melipat gandakan pahala bagi sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya”. Yakni setiap satu biji benih tumbuh menjadi tujuh ratus biji benih. Didalam bahasa perniagaan, ini adalah keuntungan yang tidak kurang dari 70,000%! Mana ada perniagaan lain didunia ini yang menjamin 100% pulangan keuntungan sehingga 70,000%?

‘Master key’ untuk melakukan da’wah kepada orang-orang bukan Islam ada diterangkan dalam Surah Ali Imram 3:64 “Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): ‘Wahai ahli kitab, marilah kepada satu kalimah yang bersamaan antara kami dan kamu, iaitu kita semua tidak sembah melainkan Allah, dan kita tidak sekutukan denganNya suatu jua pun; dan jangan pula sebahagian dari kita mengambil akan sebahagian yang lain untuk dijadikan orang-orang yang dipuja dan didewa-dewakan selain dari Allah’.”

Untuk mencari kalimah-kalimah yang bersamaan antara kita dengan mereka, maka kita hendaklah mengkaji kitab mereka (bukan untuk beriman tetapi) untuk mencari ayat-ayat yang menjurus kepada tauhid. Sekiranya diperingkat permulaan kita hanya menggunakan Al-Qur’an dan Hadith sahaja mungkin orang-orang bukan Islam ini tidak percaya atau tidak yakin kerana mereka belum beriman kepada Al-Qur’an. Sekiaranya kita menggunakan Bible maka orang-orang Kristian terpaksa menerimanya. Berikut adalah beberapa hujah-hujah yang boleh kita gunakan dari Bible terhadap orang-orang Kristian:

“My Father is greater than I” [John 14:28]

“My father is greater than all” [John 10:29]

“...I cast out devil by the spirit of God...” [Matthew 12:28]

“...I with the finger of God cast out devils...” [Luke 11:20]

“I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I

seek not my own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.” [John 5:30]

“...and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s which sent me.” [John 14:24]

Shama Israelu Adonai Ila Hayno Adonai Ikhad.”

“Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord.” [Mark 12:29]

Apabila kita mulakan da’wah kepada orang-orang Hindu, adalah lebih baik sekiranya kita mulakan dengan konsep ketuhanan dalam Islam yang terdapat dalam Surah Al-Ikhlas 112”1-4 “Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): ‘(Tuhanku) ialah Allah yang Maha Esa; Allah yang menjadi tumpuan sekalian makhluk untuk memohon sebarang hajat; Ia tiada beranak, dan Ia pula tiada diperanakkan; Dan tidak ada sesiapapun yang setara denganNya’.”

Seterusnya kita boleh bincangkan mengenai ayat-ayat yang ada persamaan didalam kitab-kitab mereka contohnya Veda, Upanishad, Purana, Maha Bharata, Ramayana dan yang paling popular dikalangan orang-orang Hindu adalah Bhagavad Geeta. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh yang boleh kita gunakan:

“ Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures.” [Bhagavad Gita 7:20]

“Ekam evadvitiyam”

“He is One only without a second” [Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1] 1

“Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah.”

“Of Him there are neither parents nor lord.” [Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9] 2

“Na tasya pratima asti”

“There is no likeness of Him” [Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19] 3

“Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam.”

“His form is not to be seen, no one sees Him with the eye.”

[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20] 4

“Na tasya pratima asti”

“There is no image of Him” [Yajurveda 32:3] 5

“Shudhama poapvidham”

“He is bodiless and pure” [Yajurveda 40:8] 6

“Andhatama pravishanti ye asambhuti mupaste”

“They enter darkness, those who worship the natural elements” (Air, water, fire, etc.).

“They sink deeper in darkness, those who worship sambhuti (created things; table, chair, idol etc.).” [Yajurveda 40:9] 7

Brahma Sutra of Hinduism:

“Ekam Brahm, dvitiya naste neh na naste Kinchan”

“There is only one God, not the second;

Not at all, not at all, not in the least bit”.

Namun begitu dalam kita menyampaikan da’wah kepada orang-orang bukan Islam, adalah penting kita sentiasa mengambil kira nasihat yang diberikan oleh Allah swt didalam Surah An-Nahl 16:125 “Serulah kejalan Tuhanmu (wahai Muhammad) dengan hikmat kebijaksanaan dan nasihat pengajaran yang baik, berbahaslah dengan mereka (yang engkau serukan itu) dengan cara yang lebih baik”.

Adakah kita menggunakan hikmat kebijaksanaan dan menasihatkan dengan cara pengajaran yang baik dan lemah lembut bila menyampaikan da’wah Islamiah kepada orang-orang bukan Islam? Jarang sekali. Kebiasaannya bila ada orang bertanya mengenai Islam, jawaban yang lazim diberikan adalah; “Dalam Islam kita mesti sembahyang 5 kali sehari, Bulan Ramadhan mesti puasa satu bulan dari pagi sampai senja – tidak boleh makan atau minum, mesti bayar zakat, tidak boleh makan ‘kerbau pendek’ (khinzir), tidak boleh minum (arak), mesti kena ‘potong’ dulu (berkhatan), pergi masjid mesti pakai songkok dan kain, kalau pergi solat Hari Raya mesti pakai baju Melayu (seolah-olah solat itu tidak sah tanpa memakai baju Melayu!) dan bermacam-macam lagi. Saya perhatikan bahawa kita sebenarnya lebih banyak ‘meMelayukan’ seseorang yang masuk Islam dari mengIslamkannnya. Kita memberikan gambaran seolah-olah Islam ini adalah satu agama yang sangat menyusahkan umatnya.

Sepatutnya kita jangan terlalu tekan berkenaan fikah (halal dan haram) pada peringkat permulaan. Yang harus diutamakan adalah tauhid, apabila iman dia sudah mantap barulah kita sampaikan bab fikah secara beransur-ansur ikut kemampuan seseorang individu. Bila iman sudah kukuh dihati, seseorang itu akan mengerjakan perintah Allah tanpa perlu disuruh, InsyaAllah.

Saya ingin mengajak semua yang hadir disini termasuklah diri saya agar marilah kita semua bangun. Bukannya bangun dari tempat duduk tetapi marilah kita bangun tidur kita. Kita telah lama tidur dengan mata celik. Marilah kita bangun dan laksanakan tanggung-jawab yang telah diamanahkan oleh Allah kepada kita untuk menyampaikan da’wah kepada orang-orang bukan Islam sambil melakukan Islah kepada sesama Islam.

BERHENTI dari memberikan alasan. Bila saya mengajak orang untuk berda’wah, mereka selalu memberikan alasan dan minta tunggu. Hendak tunggu apa lagi? Allah swt memberika amaran kepada kita dalam Surah At-Taubah 9:24 “Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “Jika bapa-bapa kamu, dan saudara-saudara kamu, dan isteri-isteri (atau suami-suami) kamu, dan kaum keluarga kamu, dan harta benda yang kamu usahakan, dan perniagaan yang kamu bimbang akan merosot, dan rumah-rumah tempat tinggal yang kamu sukai, - (jika semuanya itu) menjadi perkara-perkara yang kamu cintai lebih daripada Allah dan RasulNya dan (daripada) berjihad untuk agamaNya, maka tunggulah sehingga Allah mendatangkan keputusanNya (azab seksaNya); kerana Allah tidak akan memberi petunjuk kepada orang-oramg yang fasik (derhaka)”. Hari ini kita orang-orang Islam masih lagi tunggu!

Marilah kita berhenti dari memberikan alasan-alasan seperti berikut:

  1. Tunggulah saya pandai – sampai bila-bila pun kita tidak akan cukup pandai sekiranya kita tidak cuba dari sekarang. Sekali lagi saya rujuk kepada hadith diatas iaitu; “Sampaikanlah walau satu ayat”.

  2. Tunggu bila ada orang bertanya baru nak cerita tentang Islam – sekali lagi saya rujuk kepada petikan dari Khutbah terakhir Rasulullah saw; “Siapa-siapa yang hadir disini sampaikanlah kepada yang tidak hadir”.

  3. Negara kita negara majmuk, sensitif untuk melakukan da’wah - di zaman Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. terdapat tidak kurang dari 360 suku kaum. Ini tidak menghalang baginda dari memberikan da'wah kepada kaum Musyirikin pada masa itu malahan baginda telah berjaya menyatu padukan semua kaum tersebut dibawah panji Islam!

  4. Agama ini urusan peribadi, jangan masuk campur dalam hal orang lain – Dalam Islam ia menjadi tanggung-jawab semua orang-orang Islam mencampuri urusan orang lain apabila ia melibatkan perkara akidah; ‘amal maaruf nahi munkar’.

Saya akhiri dengan sketsa berikut; bayangkanlah suatu hujung minggu kita pergi berkelah bersama keluarga ke pusat peranginan di tanah tinggi seperti di Genting Highland (tanpa singgah di kasino). Bila sampai ke puncak yang paling tinggi, kita pun menghamparkan tikar dan mula menjamu selera bersama-sama dengan keluarga. Dalam kelekaan kita makan dan minum, anak kita yang berumur 2 tahun telah berlari-lari sampai ke hujung tebing; dihadapannya adalah jurang yang cukup dalam. Na’uzubillah, cuba bayangkan anak atau adik kita yang berumur 2 tahun berada dalam situasi itu. Cemas tak? Betul-betul sebelah anak kita ada seorang lelaki dewasa yang sihat dan waras. Apa yang perlu dilakukannya adalah hulurkan tangan dia dan pegang anak kita, InsyaAllah anak kita akan selamat. Tetapi lelaki tadi tidak endahkan anak kita dan anak kita melangkah lagi lalu jatuh kedalam gaung dan mati. Ketika itu adakah kita akan ucapkan terima-kasih kepada lelaki itu kerana tidak masuk campur dalam urusan orang lain? Tidak, kita akan salahkan dia kerana tidak mahu menolong anak kita. Kita akan tuduh lelaki itu sebagai seorang yang sangat kejam.

Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, sebenarnya kitalah orang-orang Islam yang memegang watak lelaki yang kejam tadi. Kita ada ramai kenalan bukan Islam seperti rakan kerja, kawan jiran dan sebagainya tetapi kita tak pernah buka mulut kita menyampaikan mesej Islam. Kita biarkan sahaja mereka mati dalam keadaaan kafir. Di akhirat nanti mereka akan mengadu kepada Allah dan menarik kita sama-sama masuk ke neraka, na’uzubillah. Apakah alasan yang akan kita berikan pada Allah ketika itu? Marilah kita sama-sama bangun dan sampaikan da’wah kepada orang-orang bukan Islam sambil melakukan Islah sesama orang-orang Islam.

Wa akhiri da’wana anil hamdulillahi Robbil ‘alamin.

1. [The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 447 and 448]

[Sacred Books of the East, volume 1 ‘The Upanihads part 1’ page 93]

2. [The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 745]

[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15 ‘The Upanihads part II’ page 263]

3. [The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 736 and 737]

[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15 ‘The Upanihads part II’ page 253]

4. [The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 737]

[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15 ‘The Upanihads part II’ page 253]

5. [Yajurveda by Devi Chand M.A. page 377]

6. [Yajurveda Samhita by Ralph T.H. Griffith 538]

7. [Yajurveda Samhita by Ralph T.H. Griffith 538]


Most Muslims know that Islam is a universal religion, meant for all mankind. Allah (swt) is the Lord of the entire universe, and Muslims have been entrusted with the duty of conveying His message to all mankind. Alas, most Muslims today have become complacent towards this duty! While accepting Islam as the best way of life for ourselves, most of us are unwilling to share this knowledge with those to whom the message has not yet been conveyed.

The Arabic word Da’wah means a call or an invitation. In Islamic context, it means to strive for the propagation of Islam. Thus Da’wah means conveying the message of Islam to Non-Muslims and inviting them to Islam.

The Arabic word Islah means to improve, correct, rectify or repair. In Islamic terminology, Islah means correcting a Muslim or providing more knowledge of Islam to a Muslim.

It is sad to note that most of the activities, which we label as Da’wah, are actually Islah. Activities such as classes, seminars, talks, forums and other religious gatherings are meant and targeted to Muslims only.

The Glorious Qur’an says:

Ah! Who is more unjust than those who conceal the testimony they have from Allah? But Allah is not unmindful of what ye do!” (Al-Qur’an 2: 140)

Allah swt gives the Muslims an honour in Al-Qur’an 3:110;

You are the best of people evolved for mankind”. But honour comes with responsibilities! As an example, a principal of a school has more honour than a teacher and that principal also has more responsibilities. Similarly, this honour from Allah swt to Muslims also comes with responsibilities as the full verse reads; “You are the best of people evolved for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and believe in Allah...”

Therefore it is the responsibility of every single Muslim to be an individual of “amar ma’aruf nahi munkar” or “those who enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong”. This means as a Muslim it is our duty to do Da’wah and Islah.

The Glorious Qur’an says:

By (the token of) time (through the ages), verily man is in loss, except such as have faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth, and of patience and constancy” (Al-Qur’an 103:1-3). These are the 4 minimum criteria to attain salvation, one of which is “(join together) in the mutual teaching of truth”, i.e.; to do Da’wah and Islah.

In Shahih Bukhari (4:667);

Narrated ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr (ra): The Prophet (saw) said, “Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single verse (from the Qur’an or the Sunnah)...”. This Hadith clearly states the duty of Da’wah is not rest upon those with sound knowledge of Islam, i.e.; scholars, Ustadhs or Imams alone but every single Muslim. As a Muslim, we surely know at least about “La Ilaha Ilallah”. There is no excuse for us not to do Da’wah!

Allah further warns us in the Qur’an (47:38);

Behold, ye are those invited to spend (of your substance) in the way of Allah: But among you are some that are niggardly. But any who are niggardly are so at the expense of their own souls. But Allah is free from all wants. And it is ye that are needy. If ye turn back (from the path), He will substitute in your stead another people; then they would not be like you!”.

On the contrary, the reward for spending our substance in the way of Allah is 70,000% as mentioned in the Qur’an (2:261);

The parable of those who spend their substance in the way of Allah is that of a grain of corn: it groweth seven ears, and each ear hath a hundred grains. Allah giveth manifold increase to whom He pleaseth...” Is there any other business in the world that guarantees you a profit of 70,000%?

The Qur’an practically guides us on how Da’wah should be done; “Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious...” (Qur’an 16:125).

The master key to do Da’wah is as mentioned in the Glorious Qur’an (3:64);

Say: ‘O people of the Book! Come to common terms as between us and you: that we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah”.

In the study on ‘concept of God in major religions of the world’, we will find several verses from the Bible, Hindu Scriptures or Sri Grant Sahib (Sikh’s Holy Scripture) that speaks about oneness of God, i.e.; Tawheed.

We must start doing Da’wah and stop giving excuses such as;

  • Religion is personal and we shouldn’t mind other people’s business.

  • We live in a multi-racial country and Da’wah will create disharmony.

  • Wait until I become a perfect Muslim or I have higher knowledge of Islam.

  • Da’wah is the job of the Religious department, Ustadhs or the Imams.